Wine tent series structures - Wine Tent 8m

Wine Tent 8m

Construction width

800 cm

Wall height

300 cm

Ridge height

453 cm

Roof angle

20 deg

Module width (frame step)

500 cm

End legs

1 leg in each end

The longest frame part

538 cm

Minimal construction length

1000 cm

Maximum construction length

Not limited


Extension options

- Side extension is possible (max. 3 module 3m) to one or both sides
- 1/2 Осtagonal tent to each end

Floor options

- Wooden floor based on timber
- Aluminum cassette floor coated plywood or aluminum
- Compact-floor

Additional options

- When using Compact-floor or wooden floor with a core of steel and special weighting it is possible not to fix the structure to the ground.
- Instead of wind wall ties can be used portal beams


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Phone: 8-800-505-85-05 (free of charge call)

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Phone.: (8622) 648-700, 642-333, (495) 745-77-09
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

350033, Krasnodar, 6th line Poymy reki Kuban 85
Phone: (861) 211-24-48,
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Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

344018, Rostov-on-Don, Mechnikova st, 138/85, 62,
Phone: (863) 240-32-60, (863)240-32-61, (863)240-32-62
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

357700, Kislovodsk, Shalyapina, 9,
Phone.: (87937) 3-31-74
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