Dismountable spectator tribunes
Spectators tribunes
Rent spectator tribunes - this is a very popular service, the most popular and reliable at the moment are Layher tribunes. They are safe and comfortable for the audience, easy to install and suitable for any landscape conditions.
Before you order rental tribunes, should calculate the number of viewers who have to stay on them, and be sure to specify - sitting or standing places for spectators will be required.
Size of the area where you are installing the Tribune, has a direct impact on the number and length of levels. So, Tribune can have 2 - 3 level be extended in length, and can reduce the length, but make more levels. As a result, the height and depth of the rostrum will increase, and the number of seats will not change..
Our company offers to rent Layher’s dismountable grandstands. Depending on customer needs we provide various options for tribunes: Tribunes for orchestras for vip-parterres, vip-tribune, tribune without seats or with seats and grandstands with a roof. The height of the stands and their size is determined by the customer, we have the technical ability to build exactly what you need.
• - telescopic spectator tribunes - provide the best opportunities for effective use of available space. Depending on the event, telescopic tribune put forward that allows you to create a comfortable environment for spectators, or retracts, freeing up space for training.
• - Audience dismountable tribunes - the most low-price option spectator tribunes. The main elements of dismountable tribunes collected by means of bolted joints. If necessary, a stadium grandstand can be disassembled and assembled into another sports field.
• - Audience mobile tribunes - are equipped with wheels and can be easily moved. Installed plastic seat, seat bench type. Small area occupied during storage.
• - transformable spectator tribunes - section of the stands raised to a vertical position folded at the same time. Tribune in the folded state has a maximum depth of 0.8 meters. Bench type seats, individual hard seats or individual semi-soft seats without backs.